Mock COP

2020 was supposed to be the year our leaders took the Climate Emergency seriously at the 26th U.N. COP in Glasgow. The event has been postponed until next year, but an incredible coalition of young people knocked it out of the park with a 13 day virtual conference called Mock COP to ensure the conversation around the Climate Crisis is still happening. 

Along with our friends at Picture Zero, this was a virtual replacement for the conference, supported by young people and students from a whopping 140 countries who weren’t sure that we should be delaying the biggest international conference on the Climate during this crisis. 

We supported the event which ran from November 19th to December 1st with a smorgasbord of content, including a 10-day countdown to build hype for the event. 

As well as building momentum these films highlighted on why this event is so important to young people and focused on the five key themes of Mock COP; Climate Justice, Education, Health and Mental Health, Green Jobs and Carbon Reduction Targets. Check out one of the Countdown films below>>

Further content included highlights reels and a legacy film capturing the passion and inspiring enthusiasm of a diverse group of delegates worldwide. On December 12th, the U.N.’s Climate Ambition Summit will feature the legacy film to show the gumption of the 330 young people who contributed to Mock COP. Watch the film below >>

Want to get involved? The conference may be over but more action is needed to maximise the legacy of Mock COP through to November 2021 when the postponed COP26 is to take place. Find out more about how you can offer support here:


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