This Valentine’s Day, we worked with our friends at and B-Corp UK to get people to consider dumping pensions which aren’t treating the planet right and swipe right on the perfect pension. 😍
For many people, a pension will become the biggest lump of money they ever have, and it’s left in one place for decades. If that place is an oil companies share portfolio or an arms company’s bank account then whatever great stuff you do in your day to day, you could be outweighing it by funding and profiting from CO2 emissions and wars.
However, there are more and more ethical options becoming available. The perfect pension is one which cares about the environment, doesn’t do anything dodgy behind your back and invests in your children’s future. With the help of the wonderful Aisling Bea, a fantastic cast and the Love Actually soundtrack, we identified people’s perfect match.
Want to break-up with your pension and find your match? Here are some tips from us to you below 😘
1: First step is to ask your pension provider where your money is.
2: Second step is to ask them to move it out of things you don’t like and into things you do.
3: Third step, if they can’t, is to move to a pension provider who can!
Check out @MMMoneyMatter to get started! ❤️